This site is dedicated to the families whose college sons have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct. This is my story about my son Silent No More
Current News

WHERE TITLE IX Went Wrong: The Equal Opportunity Law That Ran Amok
Title IX, the 1972 legislation banning sex discrimination in education programs that receive federal financial support, was a reasonable equality-of-opportunity law in its original form. So what explains the scorched-earth campaign against men’s sports carried out in its name? Why has it been used to deny students and professors due process and free speech in […]

FALSE ACCUSATIONS Happen. Ohio Cop Says 20% of Sex Assault Reports are False
While we are often told to “believe women” – and are assured no one would lie about being raped, false reports do happen. In Port Clinton, Ohio, some 20% of sexual assault reports are classified as false. That’s nearly twice as many as the highest (misleading) claim that just 2% to 10% are false. As I’ve explained […]

SETTLEMENT: Albright College Settles with John Doe.
Albright College settled with John Doe, and this is welcomed news. But the unfortunate news is that colleges strive to keep settlement agreements with their falsely accused students confidential. We will never know just how biased, and vindictive, Albright’s Title IX treatment was towards John Doe.

DUE PROCESS Legal Update: UC Santa Barbara Found in Contempt of Court
In a remarkable step, a judge in the Santa Barbara County Superior Court has found the University of California, Santa Barbara in contempt of court for failing to comply with a court decision regarding the rights of an accused student in a campus sexual misconduct proceeding. As is all too common in these cases, UCSB rendered […]

COMMON APP No Longer Asks Your Criminal History. But Will Ask About Anti-Due Process TIX Disciplinary History
The Common Application decided to “ban the box” starting next year — so the million-plus students who use the online form to apply to some 800 colleges nationwide won’t have to disclose whether they have ever been convicted of a crime. But something was missing from the ‘ban the box’ debate: The question that the Common App […]

IS THE Dept. of Justice Creating a Campus Title IX Sex Offender Registry?
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is seeking to collect information from colleges and universities regarding their policies and practices for sexual misconduct…one could think it is looking to create a campus sex offender registry. “This project will collect information about current policies and practices utilized by colleges and universities regarding registered sex offenders who may […]

FALSE ACCUSER Nikki Yovino, Sentenced to One Year in Jail. She ‘Just Doesn’t Seem to Get it.’
The 19-year-old Long Island woman — who claimed she was raped by two Sacred Heart University football players, then admitted months later to police that she lied to impress a prospective boyfriend, then claimed on the witness stand she was forced to have sex without her consent. Until finally she pleaded guilty to criminal charges, […]

JUDGE RULES: GWU Broke Contract w Accused Male by Judging him a Rapist
A judge has ruled George Washington University broke its contract with a student after he was accused of sexual assault and denied a chance to appeal even though he had evidence that directly contradicted the accuser’s claim. John Doe proclaimed his innocence and said that his accuser never made a phone call she claimed to […]

TO ATHLETIC COACHES: Lawyers Say Contract Sexual Misconduct Clauses Are Concerning
The scandal embroiling head football coach Urban Meyer at The Ohio State University took on a concerning new dimension recently, when media coverage revealed that last April, Ohio State added language to Meyer’s contract requiring him to report any known violations of the school’s sexual misconduct policy. The clause Ohio State inserted into Urban Meyer’s […]

A VIOLENT DANCE: The True Story of Grant Neal, A Documentary.
Many people probably remember reading about Grant Neal. He was a very promising student-athlete at CSU-Pueblo, but had his dreams crushed when his university falsely accused him of rape. Grant’s girlfriend never accused Grant, and never said she was assaulted, but a third party saw a hickey on the neck of his consenting girlfriend, and reported Grant […]

JOHN DOE Sues St. Mary’s College of Maryland. It’s a ‘Quasi-Judicial System-Violates own Policy’
According to the lawsuit, neither John Doe or Jane Roe were intoxicated during their interactions and Jane did not stay the night at John’s place. The two left together after their intimate encounter. But four months later, on January 22, 2018, John Doe was visited by Campus Police who hand delivered a document entitled Notice of Investigation. Prior to this […]
True Stories
Save Our Sons Exclusives
We do not empower our daughters
We do not empower our daughters, or protect them by taking away or limiting basic Constitutional rights of our sons. Our daughters are empowered by knowing the truth that maintaining their sobriety is their responsibility and the best way to avoid regrettable situations. SB 967, though perhaps well intentioned, is flawed from its inception because […]
Judith Grossman: A Mother, a Feminist, Aghast
I am a feminist. I have marched at the barricades…Until a month ago, I would have expressed unqualified support for Title IX…But that was before .. a text of desperation. “CALL ME. URGENT. NOW.”
Must Reads

FALSE COLLEGE Rape Allegation ‘Destroyed’ My Life: Suit
A Long Island woman’s unsubstantiated rape allegation after a drunken night in an upstate frat house has “destroyed” a New Jersey man’s life, he says in a $6 million lawsuit. Catherine Reddington claimed on social media that Alex Goldman assaulted her at Syracuse University following a party in April 2017. The two engineering majors woke up […]

APPEALS COURT Upholds $130K Judgment Against Pomona College For Railroading Falsely Accused Student
Lawyers for “John Doe” wanted Pomona College to pay at least $250,000 in attorney’s fees for repeatedly violating its own policies to find the accused student responsible for sexual assault. They got about half that from Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Mary Strobel, who said Pomona’s conduct was so egregious that she couldn’t “conclude that the factual […]