FALSE ACCUSATIONS Happen. Ohio Cop Says 20% of Sex Assault Reports are False

While we are often told to “believe women” – and are assured no one would lie about being raped, false reports do happen. In Port Clinton, Ohio, some 20% of sexual assault reports are classified as false. That’s nearly twice as many as the highest (misleading) claim that just 2% to 10% are false. As I’ve explained previously, that number comes from claims that are proven false, which may be just as difficult to prove as cases that are true. While some cases may not yield enough evidence, or the accuser does not want to pursue charges, Carpenter said good police work will snuff out a false claim. “If you do the investigation the right way you should have collected enough information to find the truth.”  The bottom line is we must be honest about statistics and the realities of this crime. People lie about the worst things imaginable, mostly because no one wants to disbelieve them. But that means that sometimes the real victim is the person being falsely accused.

dailywire.com By Ashe Schow COP Says Ohio Player Wrongly Accused


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