FIRST: Go here and use these tips if you received notice that you have been accused of sexual misconduct. And if you have a disability use the sample letters as well.
- If the Title IX department contacted you DO NOT SPEAK TO THEM without a lawyer. You will be found guilty and expelled if you do not have representation. Believe me when I say that you must tell your parents. You are innocent, tell your parents.
- Find a Title IX lawyer who will fight for you and defend your innocence SOS Attorneys
- Do not delete anything! Go to your cell phone records and trace any calls to the girls or texts, emails, FB, etc. Document all consent. Go through your phone and mark all the words that have sex or girlfriend & whatever else your lawyer says. Save everything. Back up anything your forensic person says to delete. Get all your devices out of the reach of a warrant, away from the police and anyone else. A search warrant will need a request for passwords and not just the device. Get a new phone, Ipad, computer, etc. Change all passwords and start a new account. Do not change anything except with the permission of your lawyer. Just get your phone & all electronic devices away from the reach of police ASAP. You could be a freshman now but accused (and expelled) as a senior, a day before graduation. It happens. Save everything. Never delete consent, no matter what your girlfriend asks of you.
- How To Defend Yourself In a Title IX Sex Assault Case
- Steps In a College Title IX Defense Case
- Title IX officials are not your friend. Do not be fooled. You can not trust your beloved college. Their strategy is to blindside the accused by being evasive. Demand to see the charges against you, the accuser’s statement, and all reports Title IX has on you. The sooner you understand that Title IX’s gender specialists are not properly trained, nor interested in being fair or impartial, the stronger your mental state will be to fight the injustices perpetrated upon you by Title IX.
- FIRE’S GUIDE to Due-Process & Campus Justice
- Line up your witnesses fast. You will be kicked off campus soon.
- Think clearly, keep your wits about you, take control back and make a plan.
- File a Title IX complaint with OCR for discrimination.
- Transfer to another college. Contact an Admissions Consultant that specializes in educational crisis management. I know these two consultants below and they are beyond belief exceptional. William “Sam” Sneed: College Coach Guru Concierge Risk Management
Hanna Stotland: Hanna Stotland.Crisis-Management
- NAMI: Natl. Alliance on Mental Illness. Parents speak highly of NAMI in helping their falsely accused son cope better.
You are not alone. Hundreds of college males are suffering in silence. Here are three organizations that offer support and resources:
Get Help @FACE- (Families Advocating for Campus Equality)
NCFMcarolinas Helpful Advice
Submit your case to FIRE (Foundation for Indiv.Rights in Education)