BELIEVE the Survivor? Here’s 11 Times Black Male Students Were Railroaded by Their College
According to the Center for Prosecutor Integrity, a nonprofit group that fights the “over-criminalization” of sex-related activities, there are “parallels between the treatment of Black men accused of rape during the infamous Jim Crow period and the adjudication of sexual assault cases in the current era. The Obama administration in 2011 told universities to implement judicial policies that benefited accusers and stripped away due process rights for the accused. Harvard Law School Prof. Janet Halley said, ‘male students of color are accused and punished at unreasonably high rates.” Journalist Emily Yoffe wrote about the phenomenon of black male students accused by non-black female students. Stating, black men make up only about 6 percent of college undergraduates yet are “vastly overrepresented in the cases I’ve tracked.” Six years’ worth of dismal due process rights for the accused has led to hundreds of young men fighting sexual assault claim allegations in court. Even more concerning, this lack of protection has rendered one group particularly vulnerable — young black men...In 2017 SOS listed 10 lawsuits of college white girls accusing black male students.
thecollegefix By Michael Jones