SETTLEMENT. Good News. Bellarmine University Settles With Falsely Accused Male
An accused male student at Bellarmine University turned to the courts for his constitutional due process rights to be upheld. Earlier the male had secured a temporary restraining order (TRO). A TRO commands the parties in the case to maintain a certain status until the court can hear further evidence and decide whether to issue a preliminary injunction. So, the male won a TRO and then BellarmineU settled with the male… Often we never learn the details of settlement agreements because an innocent accused male will choose having his record expunged so he can move forward with his career, his life. The innocent male will choose this path, and then the college demands
secrecy. This is why the general public continues to be ignorant of the numerous males who are falsely accused and railroaded by their beloved college. Secret college settlements. Read: BellarmineU male student on study abroad left in paris after falsely accused