WHEN DAVID BEAT GOLIATH. One University Said No to Obama’s 2011 Unconstitutional Guidance Letter

The United States is a constitutional republic and as such, we are a nation of laws and not just a nation of “letters.” In 2011, every college and university in the United States received a taunting  “guidance letter” from Obama’s Department of Education. The letter was unconstitutional in its construction. Our laws do not come from some bureaucrat who simply decides to send us a letter. Oklahoma Wesleyan University was the only institution willing to step forward in a court of law and say so. In 2016, Wesleyan University sued the DOE and the OCR.  We alleged that the Obama administration had unlawfully and unilaterally violated the privacy rights of our female students, denied due process to all students, and undercut the role of local law enforcement to effectively investigate and adjudicate reports of sexual misconduct coming from our community. In 2018, Wesleyan University agreed to a dismissal of our lawsuit. Our agreement came only after the government backed down and withdrew its “guidance letter,” openly conceding that its prescribed 2011 rules had “led to the deprivation of rights for many students — both the accused who were denied fair process and victims denied an adequate resolution of their complaints.”

washingtontimes.com By Everett Piper


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