WARNING! American Univ. is Accusation Friendly and Legally Not Safe for Males

American University is requiring all new students take a controversial sex education training course or face academic discipline. The material teaches that women can change their mind about consent the day after an encounter, effectively leaving women with the ability to re-write history and accuse sexual partners of inappropriate behavior despite receiving consent. “The program explicitly says they’re both too drunk to give consent but then says the man coerced the woman into a dangerous situation. The hypothetical specifically says neither gave consent but then says the woman can take certain steps towards legal options. It concludes the man likely committed sexual assault. This is a program that is now mandated by public schools, as in school’s paid for by the taxpayer, saying that it is okay to rescind consent and then man is always at fault. That’s a problem.” Sydney Jacobs, former AU student.

washingtonexaminer.com By Lauren Cooley

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