SEVEN BIG Lies In The Brock Turner Case, Plagiarism at Stanford
A review of Stanford police reports, as attached to the criminal complaint filed with Santa Clara County Superior Court, and other public records reveals a number of major lies, including significant discrepancies and wrongdoing that Stanford itself has failed to address. Seven Big Lies in the Brock Turner Case: 1. Turner committed rape. Totally false. […]

TRUTH IN THE Brock Turner Case and Recall of Judge Aaron Persky
This white paper, Overview, including seven big lies Before, during and after the party The arrest, investigation and trial Conflicting testimony Shortcomings at Stanford The aftermath is a collection of views and personal opinions from alumni and other independent volunteers who have been following since mid-2016 the Brock Turner case and the recall of Judge […]

STANFORD. Brock Turner. And The News Black Out.
It is my opinion that Brock Turner has been a pawn in a high stakes game for a #MeToo cause, and now it appears for significant monetary motivations as well. I believe it will become clear over the next many months that Brock Turner was wrongly convicted, and that he faced multiple due process injustices […]

A CAMPAIGN of Disinformation. Putting it in Perspective. Brock Turner
There is a critical need for a dialog about campus sex and allegations of sexual assault, including when exacerbated by alcohol. But that dialog needs to include a more careful examination of the issues for everyone involved. For third parties to so viciously wage the type of disinformation campaign that has happened in the Brock […]