TO MOMS and Dads. You Raised Your Son Right, but Don’t Think He’s Safe From Accusers Who Learn to Accuse For Girl Power
If you are like me and have a son in college, you want your son to embrace his college education with an open mind. You want him to engage in college athletics, clubs and activities, show respect for his peers, and be selfless humble confident and productive. And you probably taught your son to always get affirmative consent when he’s with a female. Essentially, you taught your son from birth to be a gentleman. You’ve done a great job. But raising your son right will not keep your son safe. At college there is a powerful yet small cabal of gender feminists that believe college males are predators and rapists. But, but…”I taught my son to protect women.” “I taught my son to respect women.” “I taught my son about consent”…Yes, you taught your son well and you taught your son not to rape, but what you didn’t teach him about college life and gender females is this…
Gender feminism and the #MeToo movement is undermining male equality on campuses. Males are taught during freshmen orientation they are predators and while females learn they are victims of an oppressed male system. Females learn that the campus Title IX department is their savior. Gender feminism is dismantling campus due process and altering the evidence code standard before our eyes. Gender Feminism is corrupting Title IX departments with their pseudo junk science of trauma informed investigations where Title IX staff ‘start by believing’ which means they believe your son is guilty. Legally, Title IX should treat both students fair and equally. It does not. Title IX does not treat your son fairly.
In 1972, Title IX was about equal access for women to enroll in collegiate sports. In 2019, Title IX has become primarily a federal funding mechanism at most US colleges and universities. Title IX departments are usually run by young gender feminists who majored in Gender, Women, & Sexuality Studies. A Title IX investigation begins with your son being presumed guilty because a Title IX gender feminist is taught to ‘believe women.’ A college female is taught she may consent to sex, but afterwards she can negate her consent if she ‘feels’ uncomfortable, ie if the sex was embarrassing. Title IX agents do not help your son once he is accused because they believe he is guilty. It’s not personal, it’s about Title IX job security and getting the ‘rape’ numbers higher.
If you are as I once was, maybe you question my words.
First, I speak with six years experience (2013-2019) regarding the shenanigans of Title IX’s reprehensible gender females. My 18 year son was falsely accused, (even though he had written consent from the girl.)
Second, you probably don’t know that colleges have watered down the definition of rape/sex assault as this: “sexual contact” includes “sexual touching,” which includes kissing, touching a “breast, chest, crotch, groin, or buttocks,” or touching someone “in a sexual way, even if the touching is over the other’s clothes.” At one school the girls just didn’t like him, so they accused him of sexual assault, and the girls almost got away with their lies.
Third, currently House Democrats are pushing a bill that will restore Obama-era policies and block Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from finalizing her Title IX campus sexual assault rules. Title IX rules that restore fairness to the Title IX hearing and investigation while ensuring due process protections, aka The Presumption of Innocence.
Parents, what is happening to America’s sons on college is partly your fault. Your silence emboldens false accusers. If you want to end false accusations you need to stand up for due process rights for all students.
You can help your son spot the red flags in a female accuser if he reads the following book. Help For How to Avoid False Accusations of Rape: Self-Defense in the Feminist State (Female Sex Predators) by John Davis, BA JD LLM.
And if your son is Title IX falsely accused, you need a lawyer fast. I highly recommend calling FACE. Families Advocating for Campus Equality is one of the few advocacy groups dedicated to supporting and helping accused students with resources and guidance.
-Alice True