The federal lawsuit that a former MSU student filed last year against Montana State University, Jyl Shaffer, and other MSU employees has settled. This is the lawsuit where a straight male accused MSU’s Title IX administrator Ms. Shaffer of bias in favor of transgender students and against straight men. The lawsuit charged that the university violated his constitutional rights in 2016 by banning him from the Bozeman campus in the summer and fall semesters, after he privately voiced his objections to transgenderism to an instructor, comments he contended were misconstrued as threatening violence. The male’s lawsuit alleged that the transgender student filed a complaint with the Title IX Office, and neither the MSU dean of students office nor campus police thought the male student’s comments were serious threats that warranted his suspension, bu
t Title IX administrator Ms. Shaffer called the case “cut and dried” and had him kicked off campus. The lawsuit alleged Shaffer showed bias when she wrote an email to the transgender student calling herself “an aspiring ally” and saying, “I’m grateful you trusted us.” Shaffer then offered to assist the transgender student to find work or academic help, and to meet with the ASMSU students’ attorney – but didn’t offer the same assistance to the male student. THe lawsuit went on to state that “Shaffer also has firmly held anti-male beliefs that she shared on her Twitter account,” It cited her 2018 comment calling “accurate AF (as expletive deleted)” an article that talked about “entitled toxic masculinity.”