PhD STUDENT Sues Virginia Tech For Due Process Violations & Breach of Contract
Plaintiff Jack Doe was falsely accused by Mr. Ronald Roe. Both males attended the university, shared the same Ph.D program, and went to social events together. Doe is gay, and Roe is straight. Roe pursued Doe, inviting him out and buying Doe drinks. In the early morning hours, Roe insisted on accompanying Doe home, and instead of Roe sleeping on the couch, Roe crawled into Doe’s bed. After some mutual consenting fondling, Doe chose to stop and both went to sleep. In the morning they exchanged pleasant conversation and continued communicating. But then Ronald Roe asked Jack Doe to watch him have sex with a girl. Doe declined. Soon after this exchange, Jack Doe was informed via email from VTech, that he may have been involved in an ‘incident of alleged sexual assault against Mr. Roe.’ And from that time forward, Jack Doe did not receive an impartial investigation from the Title IX Investigator Gender-Based Violence Prevention Specialist, Katie Reardon. Nor did Doe receive a fair hearing. Doe was found responsible and suspended, thereby destroying his dream of attending Virginia Tech’s Ph.D. program. Doe is Suing Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University plus seven employees for gender-based discrimination in violation of Title IX. Doe claims his rights under the due process and equal protection requirements of the 14th amendment were violated.