This site is dedicated to the families whose college sons have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct. This is my story about my son Silent No More
Current News

JOHN DOE Sues East Carolina U. Claims Hearing was a Sham.
John Doe claims East Carolina University mishandled his sexual misconduct case and he is now suing for damages. The lawsuit names 13 defendants from the chancellor to the school as a whole. As stated in the complaint, “Doe was sanctioned and subjected to a three year suspension from the University, which is tantamount to an […]

LAWSUIT: USF St. Petersburg Male Asks for Rehearing, Cites Recent CA Appellate Court Win
A Pinellas County circuit judge has denied a former Student Government leader’s petition that his due process rights were violated when he was accused of sexually assaulting another student in his dorm room in September 2016 and expelled in May 2017. Now the expelled USFSP male has asked for a rehearing, citing a similar case in California…The college male had […]

CA JUDGE Orders CSU Long Beach to Junk TitleIX Finding Against Male: & Allow X-Examination
At a hearing this week, Judge James Chalfant of L.A. Superior Court confirmed his ruling that Cal State University-Long Beach denied “John Doe” several elements of a “fair procedure”: It didn’t give him “proper notice” or the opportunity to “respond to all evidence” used against him or cross-examine his accuser in “live hearing testimony.” One of […]

BOSTON COLLEGE Wants to Avoid Jury Trial for Dean Telling TitleIX Adjudicators How to Rule
When the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned a trial court’s summary judgment in favor of Boston College in a lawsuit brought by a student accused of sexual assault, it sent the case back to trial court. Recently, a joint statement was filed by the two parties in an ongoing lawsuit brought by an alumnus against Boston College alleging that […]

FEMINIST Prof. Accused/Suspended of Harassing Male. Fems Cry Foul. Claim TitleIX is a ‘Feminist Tool’. Not to be Used on Fems.
Somehow, when it comes to one of their own being accused of sexual harassment, some feminists discard their devotion to the #MeToo movement and blame the victim instead. Avital Ronnell, a leading professor of feminist philosophy at NYU, has been forced to take a year off after NYU determined that she had sexually harassed a […]

DARTMOUTH Plays ‘Whack-a-Mole’ w Male. Ex-Girlfriend & her Mom Seek Revenge. Doe Loses Scholarship. He’s Expelled & Traumatized. His Family’s in Counseling. Doe Sues.
An expelled male from Dartmouth is suing the trustees of Dartmouth college. Between 2012 and January 2017, John Doe was in a relationship with accuser, Sally Smith. In March 2017, Sally Smith’s mother told Doe and his mother that Sally Smith and herself ‘intended to entice Dartmouth into imposing a disciplinary sanction upon Doe to […]

JUDGE Holds UC Santa Barbara in Contempt. Orders UCSB to Reinstate Innocent John Doe.
The University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB) has been found in contempt of court after it violated a court order to re-evaluate its findings and punishment against a male student accused of stalking a female student. The Santa Barbara Sheriff’s Department found no evidence that John was responsible for anything Jane claimed, but UCSB’s Title IX […]

GOOD NEWS: Student Cleared Of Sex Assault Returns To Yale, But Still Faces Expulsion
A Yale University Student who was cleared of sexual assault charges in a court of law can return to his school, but faces a campus kangaroo court under activist pressure to expel him. Saifullah Khan, an immigrant who grew up in an Afghanistan refugee camp, was accused of sexually assaulting a fellow Yale student after a […]

SIXTH CIRCUIT: Can the University of Michigan “Set Up a Kangaroo Court”?
The Sixth Circuit appears poised to rule again for an accused student in a lawsuit from the University of Michigan. Despite the court’s ruling about the importance of cross-examination in Cincinnati, the University of Michigan elected to maintain its Title IX procedures, which deny to the accused student any form of cross-examination. University of Michigan set […]

COURT WIN For John Doe. St. Joseph Must Deliver Training Material, Plus Much More
Recently, John Doe heard a great ruling in a Pennsylvania court. Judge Diamond granted John Doe’s request to order St. Joseph University to produce records in part as follows: Produce records of all sexual misconduct case investigations (including investigations conducted by investigators besides Ms. Malloy) from 2013 to 2018. Produce Mr. Bordak’s training manual, training presentation, and any other training materials. […]

BIG WIN For John Doe In CA Appeals Court. Claremont McKenna Must Be Fair to Accused
A California appellate court has revived the appeal of a Claremont McKenna College student who was suspended for a year for violating the school’s sexual misconduct policy. The court found that CMC’s process was devoid of any opportunity to evaluate the credibility of the accuser who chose not to attend the hearing in person or […]

SETTLEMENT: Indiana University & Innocent Aaron Farrer. Every Male #Stayaway from Villainous Marion Zerfoss
SOS spoke with the lawyers for Aaron Farrer, and can now confirm that a SETTLEMENT has been reached between Innocent Aaron Farrer and Indiana University. Thank Goodness. His accusing liar, Marion Zerfoss is a disturbed lady. According to the Aaron Farrer v Indiana University Complaint false accuser Marion Zerfoss admited to flirting with Farrer, inviting him into […]
True Stories
Save Our Sons Exclusives
Occidental College has almost FIVE times the forcible sex offense rate of any other school in California
I’ve been putting the Occidental rape rate of 2.82% into context for a bit more understanding of these statistics.
For example, what if you applied the 2.82% rape rate to a large school, say UCLA? With an enrollment of 40795, a 2.82% rape rate would be 1150 students. Can you imagine the outcry if UCLA expelled over 1100 male students in a single year?
It is painful to go back in time and remember what took place in my heart and mind when my son was falsely accused of sexual assault while attending college. But I feel it’s important to speak out for historical documentation. Our sons are suffocating under the illegal and immoral treatment directed at them from their […]
Must Reads

TITLE IX UPDATE: Fake Claims of Rape Due to Trauma Are Under Scrutiny
The big news in campus sexual misconduct hearings is that believers in trauma-informed adjudications are on the defensive. What that verbal mouthful means is that apparent weaknesses in a complainant’s case—inarticulateness, contradictions, lying, or being too “frozen’’ or fearful of testifying—must not be automatically taken as evidence that sexual trauma has occurred. In recent years, […]

AMERICA’S NEW SEX Bureaucracy: Campus Title IX Tribunals Are “So Unfair As To Be Truly Shocking”
Four feminist law professors at Harvard Law School have been telling some alarming truths about the tribunals that have been adjudicating collegiate sex for the past five years. Campus Title IX tribunals are “so unfair as to be truly shocking,” Janet Halley, Jeannie Suk Gersen, Elizabeth Bartholet, and Nancy Gertner proclaimed in a jointly authored […]