This site is dedicated to the families whose college sons have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct. This is my story about my son Silent No More
Current News

BETSY DeVOS is Getting Savaged for Closing Campus Kangaroo Courts
The Education Department is preparing new rules that would roll back the monstrously unfair Obama-era requirements for how colleges handle sexual-assault and harassment allegations. In one of its least defensible actions, the Obama administration used its Office for Civil Rights to impose its preferred procedures for handling sexual-assault cases on all the universities in the country […]

JUDGES CHANGING The Way Universities Handle Sexual Assault Investigations
A series of federal cases in the Midwest is likely to shift the way universities investigate sexual assault claims on their campuses. On the way out is a process that puts the onus for collecting information on a staff member, who interviews the person making the claim of a sexual assault, the person accused of […]

JUDGE Sides w Accused Black Male. Says Brown was Unfair/Discriminatory & Favored White Girl’s Accusation
A Brown University student suspended for alleged sexual misconduct has won an important victory. His lawsuit against the university, which makes some of the most eye-popping claims of unfair treatment has survived a motion to dismiss. Rhode Island District Judge John McConnell, an Obama appointee, ruled that the student, a black male athlete, aka: John Doe, […]

EDITORIAL: Due Process Returns to Campus
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is following through on her commitment to stand up for the due process rights of all students on U.S. college campuses. Last September, DeVos began this work, rescinding overzealous Obama-era guidelines that pushed university administrators to investigate and adjudicate serious accusations and even crimes. Using the threat of withheld funding if schools […]

LAWSUIT Alleges Bias Against Straight Male. Montana StateU TitleIX Director Steps Down
A former male student filed a federal lawsuit last year against Montana State University, Jyl Shaffer, and other MSU employees. Jyl Shaffer was MSU’s Title IX administrator and according to the lawsuit is accused of bias in favor of transgender students and against straight men. The former student, Erik Powell, sued MSU in March 2017. His […]

LAWSUIT: Former Student Acquitted in Boulder Sex Assault Case Sues CU Boulder
A former University of Colorado student acquitted by a jury of sexual assault is suing the university for gender discrimination, saying CU failed to conduct a fair investigation before suspending him. William Norris filed the lawsuit in U.S. District Court against CU Boulder for violation of Title IX and breach of contract and against Chancellor […]

IS YALE More Dangerous Than Detroit? Or is Yale’s Sex Assault Report a Fabrication? You Decide.
To read Yale University’s latest report on its sexual assault investigations, one might think the school is a hotbed of sexual violence against female undergraduates. The report from Yale’s Deputy Provost for Health Affairs & Academic Integrity, Stephanie Spangler, shows that 50 undergraduate females reported being sexually assaulted in the first six months of 2018. With a female […]

GREAT NEWS. Second Chances DO Exist for Title IX Accused College Males
Ray Buford the former Gophers cornerback, was merely TIX accused -never charged- but then expelled from the University of Minnesota in 2016. The County Attorney’s Office twice declined to press charges against Gophers players related to the Sept. 2 incident, once after a police investigation and then again after the school’s Title IX investigation. Today, Ray Bulford […]

LIES, DAMNED LIES. Campus Sexual Assault Stats Debunked by Ashe in One Place.
A potential draft of new federal campus sexual assault policies was leaked this week, so expect a new round of false and misleading statistics to be shared by those who claim due process “protects rapists” and “hurts victims.” I’ve taken down every one of these statistics before – sometimes many, many times – but it’s […]

PRELIMINARY DoED Rules on Campus Sexual Misconduct Include Due Process Protections
Late yesterday, The New York Times reported that it acquired a copy of new regulations the Department of Education will soon propose to replace the now-rescinded 2011 Dear Colleague letter and other guidance from past administrations regarding how to respond to sexual misconduct allegations on campus. Judging solely by the Times’ reporting on the document […]

GOOD NEWS: Judge Reverses Decision in Doe’s Due Process Lawsuit against Ohio State.
OPINION and ORDER granting in part and denying in part Plaintiff’s Motion for Reconsideration of the Court’s 3/10/17 Opinion and Order in that Plaintiffs equal protection claim that was previously dismissed is reinstated against Defendants Ohio State University, Kelly Smith, and Matthew Page. All other claims that were dismissed remain so. Signed by Judge George C. […]
True Stories
Save Our Sons Exclusives
A Letter from a Mother
This week SOS received these thoughts from a mother of a falsely accused son. As parents, we can’t help but keep trying to salvage something out of the emotional wreckage – we are wise to sidestep details of the incident itself because we know that our sons won’t benefit from rehashing any of it. It’s their […]
Media stories: a lot has changed in the last few weeks
The issue of false accusations on campus is not a Republican or Democratic issue. Sure, President Obama and even more so Vice-President Biden, have gotten a lot of mileage out of the mythical “1 in 5” statistic, possibly for purely political gain, but since I voted for them, I’m still willing to assume that they […]
Must Reads

NEW STUDY Shows #MeToo Is Now a Convoluted Catch-22
A new workplace study, soon to be published in the journal Organizational Dynamics, finds that following the #MeToo movement, relationships between men and women have shifted considerably. The study essentially concluded that men are reluctant to interact with their female colleagues at work for fear of retribution, even if undeserved. This was predictable, yet some are […]

DUE PROCESS Legal Update: 5 New Federal Complaints. 3 New Federal Court Decisions.
As the Department of Education continues to consider more than 100,000 comments on its proposed new Title IX regulations, the tide of lawsuits from accused students who allege they were denied a fair process in campus judicial proceedings continues to rise in the courts. Five new federal complaints were filed in September, against Eastern Kentucky University, the […]