This site is dedicated to the families whose college sons have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct. This is my story about my son Silent No More
Current News

PURDUE LAWSUIT UPDATE: Possible Victory for Accused Student in 7th Circuit
To date, in federal due process lawsuits, the only statistically significant factor in the outcome of a case is the gender of the judge. Accused students have been on the prevailing side just under 60 percent of the time in decisions from male judges; universities have been on the prevailing side more than 60 percent […]
JURY to Decide if Brown U. Railroaded Student in TitleIX Case Because he’s Black
A black student athlete accused of sexual misconduct by a white student has painted “a picture of an ongoing, racially discriminatory pattern of conduct” in his Title IX proceeding, a federal judge ruled last month. Brown University lost its motion to dismiss all claims by “John Doe,” meaning it’s going to face trial on allegations […]

COURT WIN: New Trial for Male Whose Rights Were Violated. Accuser’s Sex History is Relevant When it Targets her Credibility
A former college student accused of sexual assault should have been able to present an account from his accuser about her sexual history at trial, the Pennsylvania Superior Court has ruled. On Sept. 5, a three-judge panel of the appeals court ordered a new trial in the criminal case against ex-Clarion University student Darold Palmore, finding that a Clarion County […]

MALIK ST. HILAIRE is Innocent. He was Falsely Accused. He is Speaking Out.
September is false allegation month, and SOS is focusing on college males that are falsely accused, and denied a fair hearing/due process to defend their innocence. Below is Malik St. Hilaire’s story of what it feels like to endure a false allegation. “I just had a lot of pain in me.”
TITLE IX Lawsuit: John Doe Sues Univ. of Arkansas for ‘predetermined’ outcome
A lawsuit filed Friday under a pseudonym claims a University of Arkansas student was wrongly sanctioned this year for violating the school’s sexual harassment and sexual misconduct policy, stating UA had a “predetermined” outcome to his case. According to the lawsuit, “John Doe” was a UA senior when a three-person panel in April found him […]

READ THIS: DoED New Title IX Rules Are Revealed. Here’s What They Say.
Under new rules pertaining to Title IX, the federal statute that forbids sex discrimination in education, the Education Department will clarify that school officials must adopt procedures that protect students from harassment while still guaranteeing due process rights for the accused. I have now read the full proposal: a 120-page document that is “intended to promote […]

SEPT. is False Allegation Month: Spotlight on DUKE’s Disgraceful Conduct Towards Males
September is false allegation month. SOS is focusing on the awful actions of Duke’s professors and administrators when a male student(s) is accused of sex assault. Regarding the false accusation against the three innocent Duke lacrosse males in 2006: Ashe Schow said it best. “The stunning things about the Duke lacrosse rape fraud were not merely that […]
LAWSUIT: Gay Male Sues NYU Fem Prof. Claims She Assaulted Him while Boasting of Mafia Capabilities to Silence Him
Nimrod Reitman, is suing his doctoral adviser Feminist Professor Avital Ronell for sex assault; and New York University for failing “to take any action and thus prevent further harm to Reitman.” Reitman accused Ronell, an internationally renowned feminist literary theorist and philosophy professor, of sexually harassing, assaulting and stalking him for three years, the suit reads: […]

WIN! Federal Appellate Court Rules that Denying Cross-Examination Violates Due Process
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit issued the strongest judicial opinion to date in support of the right to cross-examination in campus judicial proceedings that turn on credibility. “If a public university has to choose between competing narratives to resolve a case, the university must give the accused student or his agent an opportunity to […]

COMPARING Seven Key Changes in DeVos’ Title IX Proposal
KC Johnson writes that the long-awaited new regulations on campus sexual misconduct, are expected to be fairer toward the accused than the Obama-era Title IX guidance policies. In the article below, KC compares what we know of the guidelines—from published reports and from his discussions with a source who has seen the proposed regulations—with the Obama-era […]
True Stories
Save Our Sons Exclusives
From a mother to Mr. President
Dear Mr. President and Members of Congress, I am the proud parent of college-aged students, one of whom was falsely accused of sexual assault in 2012. Proven innocent of these accusations, suspicion and discrimination follow my student on campus three years later. Despite the odds, truth prevailed and a legal process resulted in case dismissal. Sadly, […]
Colleges Pay Out Millions to Falsely Accused
One of the challenges of defending the falsely accused is that falsely accused college boys have many incentives to stay silent. Their entire future is at stake. Colleges demand confidentiality, and aren’t willing to advertise outcomes even in aggregate. So any report that provides hard data is helpful. EduRisk, part of United Educators, produced a report in 2011, […]
Must Reads

ESSAY BY STANFORD Law Alum. Choices Have Consequences: Chanel Miller & Brock Turner
The Ultimate Question What really happened between Brock Turner and Chanel Miller during and after a fraternity party at the Kappa Alpha fraternity house on the Stanford University campus the weekend of January 17-18, 2015? Anyone who has children in college or destined for college, whether sons or daughters, should be terrified of the contradictions […]

THE ROLE OF ALCOHOL & Alcohol-Induced Blackout Amnesia In People v Brock Turner
Alcohol Use and Abuse on College and University Campuses: A core issue associated with the Brock Turner case is the rampant use and abuse of alcohol on college and university campuses. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, a college freshman’s first six weeks of college life, stand out as a time of […]