This site is dedicated to the families whose college sons have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct. This is my story about my son Silent No More
Current News

SETTLEMENT. Cornell To Pay James Doe $125K. Plus Attorney Fees. By Greg Piper

5 SIGNS You’re In The Midst Of A Moral Panic
Moral panics, or instances of mass hysteria, have occurred throughout history. Two of the most notorious are the Salem Witch Trials and the Satanic Panic. The panics almost exclusively involve women and children and fears for their safety, especially from sexual abuse. We are in the midst of another such panic. The current panic has […]

LAWSUIT: Univ.of Arkansas Punishes Exonerated Male After Female Accuser Goes on Media Blitz
A student found responsible for sexual assault claims that his accuser tried to commit suicide because he refused to stay with her after their consensual sexual encounter. The federal due-process lawsuit against the University of Arkansas alleges that it failed to follow its own rules and ran a Title IX investigation designed to “achieve a predetermined false […]

REMEMBER STUDENT THOMAS KLOCKE. He was Wrongly Accused. No Hearing. Presumed Guilty. He Killed Himself.
September is false allegation month, and SOS is focusing on college males that are falsely accused, and denied a fair hearing/due process to defend their innocence. This is a very sad and true story of Thomas Klocke. Thomas was 24 years old and a Senior at the University of Texas at Arlington. On June 2, 2016, Thomas committed […]

GOOD NEWS. Federal Judge Rules. It’s A Win for Cross Examination. A Win for Due Process
A Federal Judge has granted a preliminary injunction to an accused student from the University of Southern Mississippi. Throughout his ruling, the Judge repeatedly praised the reasoning of the recent CA6 Univ.of Michigan opinion to highlight the value of cross-examination.

JUDGE RULES FOR Due Process & Against Univ. of New Mexico, Putting a Dagger in Obama’s TIX Guidance
It’s one judge’s ruling, but if it catches on, it’s a dagger in the heart of the Obama administration’s Title IX guidance, still widely used by universities even though it’s been rescinded. U.S. District Judge James Browning refused to dismiss due process claims against the University of New Mexico in a five-page order last week. He told […]

MONTAGUE UPDATE: Did Yale Violate Law & Destroy Notes in Sex-Misconduct Proceedings?
The power to fine universities or yank federal funding from them is seldom used by the Department of Education in Title IX investigations. The department does pay close attention to some legal violations, however: those involving the Clery Act. The 1990 law requires schools to compile and publish data on campus crime, including sexual assault, and […]

EDUC DEPART. Responds to Critics who say TitleIX Draft Could Hurt Accused Students
Some commenters have noted that the department’s draft is out of step with the past year’s precedent from the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. Its most recent decision in a campus due-process case, against the University of Michigan, not only requires colleges to allow cross-examination in sexual-misconduct cases that turn on credibility but appears to preclude them […]
JOHN DOE is Autistic. John went to Alaska Pacific. John Cuddled with a Girl. John got Expelled.
John Doe was a freshman at Alaska Pacific University. He was diagnosed with autism in high school and his parents, provided Alaska Pacific with documentation regarding his autism, how it manifests itself and the resulting social awkwardness… John Doe met E.E., a female student at the University of Alaska. They spent some time together and spent […]

GOOD NEWS for John Doe. After Three Long Years, Ohio State Saw the Light & Settled
SETTLEMENT! Great news for this falsely accused male student. Ohio State negotiated a settlement agreement and as is often the case, settlements are confidential.

DEVOS’ FOLLY: 120 Pages of Rules Establishing a System That Shouldn’t Exist At All
Ironically, the substance of Title IX, itself is short and to the point. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Five words have created an industry and expectation that this sentence […]

MALE Accused of Sex Assault Sues St. Olaf. Claims “Pre-Determined Result.”
A student expelled from St. Olaf after being accused of sexually assaulting another student in November of last year has filed a lawsuit against the school, alleging the suspension was “the result of a rigged and unfair disciplinary process put in place to rush to a pre-determined result.” His lawsuit, filed in federal court in Minnesota […]
True Stories
Save Our Sons Exclusives
“I did tell him no. I just didn’t use the word no.”
I’m struck with the use of language in a April 2015 article in the University of Puget Sound newspaper “Trails”: I kept thinking it was my fault, it was my fault. I should’ve said no, like what was I doing? But I started to realize I did tell him no. I just didn’t use the word […]
Reddit comments show men are wary of college females
Comments on a Reddit post linking to a poster purportedly from Coastal Carolina University, give a hint of the public reaction when the reality of Title IX policies on college campuses are exposed. Sure, Reddit has a large male base, yet the 9400+ comments and huge number of upvotes show that the anti-male culture being promoted […]
Must Reads

MASSACHUSETTS Court of Appeals: 1st Circuit Addresses Due Process Rights in Title IX Hearings
As colleges and universities continue to grapple with how to handle Title IX disciplinary proceedings, yet another federal court has weighed in on the due process protections that should be afforded to college students accused of sexual assault. In August, the First Circuit concluded in Haidak v. University of Massachusetts-Amherst that the University of Massachusetts violated a […]

BIG NEWS: Two Executive Orders Ban ‘Guidance’ Practice That Enabled Obama’s TitleIX Kangaroo Courts
An easy way for federal agencies to get what they want, regardless of the laws on the books, is to issue “guidance” purporting to explain the law…”Think of guidance as an off-the-books way for the government to ignore commonly held understandings of fairness. It’s a shameless, unconstitutional scheme designed to skirt judicial review, avoid public […]