This site is dedicated to the families whose college sons have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct. This is my story about my son Silent No More
Current News
LAWSUIT: Ex-UMarylandBC Baseball Players, Part of National Trend, Suing Accuser in Court
Three former baseball players from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County are suing a woman who accused them of sexual assault, part of a growing trend of male students facing sexual assault claims taking their female accusers to court. The defamation, malicious prosecution, abuse of process and invasion of privacy claims were filed recently in […]
BAD RULING: Due Process Denied at UMinn. Judge Dismisses Accused Students’ Lawsuit
A district court judge in Minnesota has dismissed a lawsuit from 10 former University of Minnesota football students who claimed they were denied due process when their former school found them responsible for sexually assaulting a female student. The case dates back to 2015. Police declined to charge the players, but the university went ahead with its […]
GOOD NEWS. College Student @Salve Regina University Cleared of Rape Charge, Allowed to Graduate
A college student at Salve Regina University was allowed to graduate after school investigators found him “not responsible” for the rape accusation made against him by a female student. The two internal school investigators at the small, Catholic school in Newport, Rhode Island, found “John Doe” “not responsible” for the alleged rape. The decision came down […]
MILTENBERG’s BOLD MOVE: First Class-Action Lawsuit Filed Against University (MSU) for Title IX Due Process Violations
It’s a bold move. The first time anyone tries a new legal approach is, almost invariably, a bold move. It is the first lawsuit in the nation to seek class action status for students accused of sexual assault who’ve been deprived due process; it asks that Michigan State be ordered to vacate or expunge their […]
BEST NEWS EVER! Black Oklahoma University RB Kennedy Brooks Cleared in Title IX Investigation. Returns to Team.
Oklahoma sophomore running back Kennedy Brooks has been cleared in a Title IX investigation conducted by the school according to a report from The Athletic. The school later confirmed to The Athletic that Brooks is expected to return to football activities later this week…Oklahoma running back Kennedy Brooks is expected to return following the conclusion of a Title IX investigation that […]
7th CIRCUIT RULING: All Female Panel Strikes a Blow Against Campus Kangaroo Courts
Whenever I read a court opinion describing a campus sexual-assault proceeding, I routinely find myself shocked at the staggering unfairness and ridiculous bias of campus kangaroo courts. Driven by the need to find more men guilty — and rationalized by a #BelieveWomen ideology — campus administrators have systematically discarded every fundamental notion of due process […]
YALE FORCED To Settle Bizarre Due Process Rape Case. Innocent Jack Montague Prevails.
Last week, the long-lasting lawsuit between Yale and its former basketball captain was settled without releasing the terms of the agreement. Normally after such an outcome, the university spokesperson issues an anodyne statement to the effect that the school prioritizes safety and will continue to do so in the future. In this instance, Yale took […]
ACQUITTED OF Rape Expelled St. John Fisher Male Sues College for Defamation, Violating Agreement
A Former St. John Fisher student is taking the college to court for defamation. Frank Bisimwa was a freshman when he was accused of sexual assault. Bisimwa was found not guilty by a grand jury for any crimes associated with the incident. However, the school pursued an investigation of their own. That investigation found Bisimwa […]
WHY IS GOOGLE BLOCKING Articles on Judicial Bias and Trauma-Informed Training?
There’s no question Google is manipulating search results, but it’s a much broader problem than just the presidential election. Google is also altering search results on a broader front. Consider the following…An op-ed was recently published in a Nebraska newspaper that discusses the problem of politicized training for judges, police, and prosecutors under the title: […]
GOOD NEWS. Judge Stops UVA From Expelling Male for Off-Campus, Non-Student Claim of Rape
Just days before a university hearing that could have resulted in expulsion for an accused student, a federal judge stepped in, warning the University of Virginia it may not even have authority to punish him. Senior U.S. District Judge Glen Conrad cited the off-campus nature of the alleged sexual assault and the fact that it […]
WIN! Seventh Circuit Upholds Accused Male’s Due Process, Sex Discrimination Claims. Rules Purdue’s Hearing is a Sham.
Since 2011, more than 480 students accused of sexual misconduct have sued their universities over campus judicial processes they believe were fundamentally unfair and led to erroneous findings of responsibility. However, relatively few of these cases, which often settle in the early stages of litigation, have made it to the federal appellate courts. Now, in an opinion […]
TITLE IX Investigation Clears MSU Basketball Players of Rape Accusation
A trio of basketball players from Michigan State University were cleared of rape charges by Title IX investigators this past Wednesday. Bailey Kowalski, who graduated from MSU this spring, came forward shortly before the end of the 2018 school year to claim she had been raped by three MSU basketball players at an off-campus party […]
True Stories
Save Our Sons Exclusives
MALIK ST. HILAIRE is Innocent. He was Falsely Accused. He is Speaking Out.
September is false allegation month, and SOS is focusing on college males that are falsely accused, and denied a fair hearing/due process to defend their innocence. Below is Malik St. Hilaire’s story of what it feels like to endure a false allegation. “I just had a lot of pain in me.”
SEPT. is False Allegation Month: Spotlight on DUKE’s Disgraceful Conduct Towards Males
September is false allegation month. SOS is focusing on the awful actions of Duke’s professors and administrators when a male student(s) is accused of sex assault. Regarding the false accusation against the three innocent Duke lacrosse males in 2006: Ashe Schow said it best. “The stunning things about the Duke lacrosse rape fraud were not merely that […]
Must Reads
LIKELY WIN for Matt Boermeester in Closely-Watched USC Case
Earlier this week, a three-judge California appellate panel heard an appeal filed by former USC kicker Matthew Boermeester—at the center of one of the most troubling cases of university procedural unfairness in the post-Dear Colleague letter era. It appears as if the appeals court will side with Boermeester, though all three justices promised openness to […]
GOOD: Federal Appeals Court Continues to Rewrite Rules on Campus Sex Assault Investigations
Late last year, in a ruling from a three-judge panel largely unnoticed outside legal circles, the federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals threw out Kollaritsch’s claims, saying just seeing her abuser around campus wasn’t enough to let a sexual abuse survivor successfully sue a school. Instead, the ruling said, there had to be evidence the […]