This site is dedicated to the families whose college sons have been falsely accused of sexual misconduct. This is my story about my son Silent No More
Current News
RULING: Judge Temporarily Dismisses Doe’s Case Against USC’s Title IX’s Sex Policy
Judge Michelle Williams dismissed a sexual assault lawsuit filed against USC by a male student Monday morning. The plaintiff, John Doe, demanded that the University’s sexual misconduct policy be declared unenforceable. John Doe, a USC student currently studying abroad, is accused of sexual misconduct with his ex-girlfriend in his dorm room in 2016. However, it […]
TITLE IX UPDATE: Fake Claims of Rape Due to Trauma Are Under Scrutiny
The big news in campus sexual misconduct hearings is that believers in trauma-informed adjudications are on the defensive. What that verbal mouthful means is that apparent weaknesses in a complainant’s case—inarticulateness, contradictions, lying, or being too “frozen’’ or fearful of testifying—must not be automatically taken as evidence that sexual trauma has occurred. In recent years, […]
RULING. No DNA Evidence-Yet Male Expelled Over Her False TitleIX Rape Claim. Now Male Can Sue Girl For 5 Counts of Defamation.
A federal district judge has allowed a male student’s defamation lawsuit against a female student who accused him of rape to survive a motion to dismiss. The two students attended Syracuse University. In 2017, the two attended a party at John’s fraternity, which was co-hosted by Jane’s sorority. Surveillance footage from the night showed the […]
APPEAL: Judges Tough on Both Sides in Tenth Circuit Appeal
Wednesday featured the fifteenth Appeals Court oral argument in a post-Dear Colleague letter lawsuit from an accused student. The Tenth Circuit heard an appeal of a summary judgment victory by the University of Denver—the first lawsuit from an accused student before the circuit. After oral argument, it’s hard to tell which side will prevail. Indeed, […]
AMERICA’S NEW SEX Bureaucracy: Campus Title IX Tribunals Are “So Unfair As To Be Truly Shocking”
Four feminist law professors at Harvard Law School have been telling some alarming truths about the tribunals that have been adjudicating collegiate sex for the past five years. Campus Title IX tribunals are “so unfair as to be truly shocking,” Janet Halley, Jeannie Suk Gersen, Elizabeth Bartholet, and Nancy Gertner proclaimed in a jointly authored […]
FALSE ALLEGATIONS of Sexual Misconduct: Basics for Young Men and Their Parents
The experience of a false accusation can be devastating to young men, especially if they are up against a legal or academic system that views an allegation as proof of guilt. False allegations can result in everything from expulsion from school, to job loss and legal nightmares– and overwhelming feelings of shame and anger. Moreover, young […]
SETTLEMENT. QuinnipiacU Avoids Trial. Settles Two Days After BC Lost To Jury Trial
Link to colleges that have settled with falsely accused males.-SOS
FORMER BAYLOR Professor Sues University, Claims Anti-Male Bias
A former Baylor University economics professor is suing the university, accusing officials there of mishandling sexual misconduct claims against him. The professor, who is identified in court documents as John Doe, resigned from the university last year amid an investigation into the professor’s relationship with a student. In the lawsuit, the professor acknowledges he had […]
JURY FINDS Boston College Interfered in 2012 Hearing, Awards John Doe Damages
The lawsuit brought by a Boston College alumnus against the University for allegedly interfering in his 2012 disciplinary hearing over sexual assault accusations went to jury trial recently. A federal jury ruled in favor of the Boston College alumnus who had sued the University for improper interference in violation of fair process in his 2012 […]
THE BROCK Turner Industry Begins. Book Deal For Emily Doe Who Outs Herself.
Excerpts from: Know the Truth: Chanel Miller by Tom Lallas On September 5, 2019, a feeding frenzy erupted among the mainstream media, bloggers and others when articles were published regarding the imminent release of a new book about Chanel Miller, Know My Name. Miller, who was an intoxicated twenty-two (22) year old adult college graduate, and […]
ANATOMY OF A Blackout. Why Are We Not Talking About The Campus Culture of Blackout Drunk?
In the war against campus sexual assault, why are we not talking about drinking? College presidents have long considered alcohol to be one of the biggest problems they face on campus. Alcohol is also involved in a great number of campus sexual assault cases. We find ourselves in a landscape where the key talking points […]
SETTLEMENT: UVA and Former Male Student Reach Agreement; Judge Dismisses Federal Case
A lawsuit from a former University of Virginia student who said he was denied his degree due to a pending Title IX sexual misconduct investigation has been dropped, according to court records. A U.S. district court judge dismissed the case on Sept. 11 after both sides reached an agreement, according to court documents. The male […]
True Stories
Save Our Sons Exclusives
JUST HOW Easy Should It Be to Destroy a Young Man’s Life?
Yesterday, the New York Times published a student activist’s op-ed with a rather provocative title: “When College Rapists Graduate.” Now, when you read those words, what do you think? I initially thought the story must be about a prison education program. Instead, the piece was written by a law student and feminist activist, Alyssa Leader, who […]
PODCAST: The Infectious Myth-Facing Campus Inequality with FACE’s Cynthia Garrett
Cynthia Garrett is a lawyer in California who is involved with the organization FACE, Families Advocating for Campus Equality. She discusses with David Crowe the problems with the existing Title IX procedures to investigate allegations of sexual assault by students at American colleges and universities, such as: the use of a single investigator pressure on […]
Must Reads
RULING. Syracuse Must Turn Over Advisor Records That May Demonstrate University Bias Against Male
At Syracuse University, counselors on the counseling center’s Sexual and Relationship Violence Response Team play a dual role: they can provide therapy to a student who may have been sexually assaulted, while also serving as that student’s advisor in campus disciplinary proceedings. Attorneys for John Doe, a student suing Syracuse University for expelling him after […]
GOOD NEWS For Male Grad. Federal Judge Reverses Ruling. Gender Bias Claim Against University of New Mexico Moves Forward
A fourth-year doctoral candidate was wrapping up his dissertation when he became the subject of a sexual misconduct investigation rife with gender bias and lacking in due process. Last month U.S. District Judge James Browning refused to dismiss Title IX and 14th Amendment claims by “J. Lee” against the University of New Mexico for depriving […]