ALALEH KIANERCI & Brock Turner. Did The Deputy DA Tell Police to Lie About Brock?
I have two things to say. First, there is credible evidence to suggest that the Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney/Prosecutor Alaleh Kianerci suborned perjury. This evidence is found in a Sept. 2019 email from ‘F’ to the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s office. Second, the Brock Turner Situation is wrought with violations and it […]

ESSAY BY STANFORD Law Alum. Choices Have Consequences: Chanel Miller & Brock Turner
The Ultimate Question What really happened between Brock Turner and Chanel Miller during and after a fraternity party at the Kappa Alpha fraternity house on the Stanford University campus the weekend of January 17-18, 2015? Anyone who has children in college or destined for college, whether sons or daughters, should be terrified of the contradictions […]

THE ROLE OF ALCOHOL & Alcohol-Induced Blackout Amnesia In People v Brock Turner
Alcohol Use and Abuse on College and University Campuses: A core issue associated with the Brock Turner case is the rampant use and abuse of alcohol on college and university campuses. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, a college freshman’s first six weeks of college life, stand out as a time of […]

THE BROCK Turner Industry Begins. Book Deal For Emily Doe Who Outs Herself.
Excerpts from: Know the Truth: Chanel Miller by Tom Lallas On September 5, 2019, a feeding frenzy erupted among the mainstream media, bloggers and others when articles were published regarding the imminent release of a new book about Chanel Miller, Know My Name. Miller, who was an intoxicated twenty-two (22) year old adult college graduate, and […]

2018: LETTER to Santa Clara County DA Regarding Potential Framing of Brock Turner
Excerpts from an open letter to Santa Clara County District Attorney Mr. Rosen, You are responsible for the misguided measure to recall Judge Persky. You seem more committed to ‘sending a message’ than facts and evidence of many cases…You recently, in a Guest Op-Ed, called Turner a “rapist” while his case is still on Appeal; yet, DNA […]