HUNGER STRIKE! Calif. Student on Extended Hunger Strike Protesting Biased Title IX Treatment of Accused Males

It has come to my attention that a California male student is currently on a hunger strike. When I heard about this student, I contacted him in California and we spoke at length about his reasons for his hunger strike, his health, and why he must remain anonymous. Below is his statement regarding his hunger strike.
“I am currently on a hunger strike in order to protest the various double standards that exist for male students in the education system, though the main focus is the ideological bias of Title IX hearings, especially in California. Today is the eighth day I have not consumed solid food, and I am now ready to extend my hunger strike indefinitely, until such time that it becomes intolerable. I am taking fluids and vitamins, but no solid food. I have already consulted with two medical experts before undertaking the strike.
I am in a state of great peace, and I would like to thank everyone who has opposed the unfairness of Title IX tribunals. I will continue for as long as I can. I may reconsider my decision if I experience any acute health problems. Hunger strikes are a form of peaceful protest protected by international law.”
No doubt, the unchecked powers of Title IX and its bullying ideology is a complex conversation. And as I talked with this student, curious to discover his specific reasons for his hunger strike, I knew by the end of our talk, we barely scratched the surface of what I call the Title IX industrial complex.
After asking about his health, (his headaches are gone, he feels fine) I wanted to know, why he is focusing solely on California?
According to this student, whom I’ll call Zach, California college males are losing a major cultural war. He went on to mention the façade of due process ‘wins’ for California males and the domineering role that an unelected female bureaucrat now plays in resisting and defying due process gains.
Men are still treated as guilty first, even after eleven judges have ruled favorably for accused college males, after CA Governor Brown vetoed SB 169 which would have codified the federal 2011 Guidance letter into state law, and after Education Secretary DeVos revoked the 2011 Guidance and issued new 2017 interim guidance. Zach has observed that a more biased Title IX system is emerging against men. And this continued bias can be traced to the San Francisco Regional Office Director of the OCR, Laura Faer. Mrs. Faer won’t take direct orders from the eleven California judges, or from the Department of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
There is a lot to unpack in the above information, and Zach has remarked that many Title IX Coordinators (approx. 97% female) think they can get away with any kind of abuse and lawless behavior, including witness tampering and transcript falsification, thanks to the deliberate indifference and the encouragement of Laura Faer, the Regional Director for OCR.
I asked why Zach is remaining anonymous. He responded with one word, retaliation. Then he went on to say, “Publicity is bad if you are a male student involved in a Title IX proceeding. Administrators and students who agree with Title IX ideology go to extraordinary lengths to discredit, attack, and expel (if they can) anyone who disagrees with them.”

-Alice True




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