GOOD NEWS. Former Washington College Male Found Not Guilty of Sex Offense

A former Washington College male student has been found not guilty of second degree rape and second degree sex offense of a current female WC student. Mr. Fadojutimi was expelled from WC after three students reported him for sexual assault in September 2016. That December, he was charged as an adult, although he was 17 at the time of the alleged incident. In court Fadojutimi testified that he had been invited over the night of the alleged incident, and that although boundaries were discussed, he did not think that sex was off the table and that they were both clear on where things were going, and that she did not resist his advances. She had said “no” one time, after which Fadojutimi stopped and left her dorm. Fadojutimi testified that he had engaged in consensual sexual intercourse and that she was compliant. During closing remarks, Geroge Oswinkle, Fadojutimi’s attorney said, “two teenagers having sex is not a crime.” He said that the complaining witness was “very wishy-washy” when she was laying out boundaries with Fadojutimi, and that there was no threat, no coercion, and no force involved. The jury received instructions and was sent out at 5:45 p.m to deliberate. They came back at 6:40 p.m. after sending a note to the judge saying they needed a better understanding of the elements of second-degree assault. After Judge Price re-read jury instructions on that charge, the jury reached their verdict of not guilty at 7:07 p.m. By Abby Wargo

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