EXPELLED Just Before Graduating,1st Gen Immigrant Male Appeals UofChicago Decision

From the expelled male. “[The expulsion decision] came on June 2nd, and to be honest, my family and I were completely blindsided and devastated. I had just finished my last final of my last quarter of college. For all intents and purposes, I was done. Then at the last possible second, everything I had worked towards for four years was ripped away from me based on a false allegation,” he wrote. He repeatedly denounced the disciplinary committee’s finding. “I did not do this. I swear to that with every ounce of my being. I remember the events in question and I am absolutely certain that they did not play out the way the complainant describes them.” He said that he felt wronged by a disciplinary system that he called “informal” and “unfair” to him.  “The system is heavily biased against individuals like me. My family and I are working-class first generations immigrants. My parents barely speak English. We didn’t know anything about dealing with these sorts of hearings,” he wrote. “I was presumed guilty from the start.” He is appealing  the case.

chicagomaroon.com  by Sorority sister of the accuser

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