Craziness at Occidental: President ‘happy to resign’ over student demands

Campus Reform describes anti-racism demonstrations at Occidental. This caught my attention:

The faculty stated that they are “incredibly proud” of the students who took part because the students have faced “microaggressions that have been linked with very real and psychological and physiological harm.”

I’m wondering if these words mean what I think they mean, so here are some definitions:

Microaggressions…. are different from overt, deliberate acts of bigotry, such as the use of racist epithets, because the people perpetrating microaggressions often intend no offense and are unaware they are causing harm.

2) characteristic of or appropriate to an organism’s healthy or normal functioning

So not only is this a rejection of the traditional wisdom about “sticks and stones”, but an extreme belief that nonverbal, unintended, and unconscious facial expressions do “break my bones.”

It has gotten to the extreme point where a university administrator is being asked to resign because…

Besides the 14 demands, Oxy’s student-run Black Liberation Front offered “15 reasons to impeach Veitch.” The list alleges that Veitch turned his back and walked away after a student spoke out against racism and rape culture on campus.

…because he walked away from a student that was talking about racism and rape culture.

These faculty and students have rejected facts and logic in order to accomplish, what, exactly? To feel empowered that they ‘made a difference’ by forcing administrators to resign? What constituencies will they expect the replacements to represent?

As Bernie Sanders says, feminism and social justice has descended into a “shouting” match, without basic norms of respect, logic, conversation, or compromise. No wonder men are being kicked out, and opting out, of the college experience in ever greater numbers.

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