Lack of campus due process could one day help an actual rapist
Bottom line: Due process isn’t just good for the falsely accused, it’s effective at ensuring the truly guilty receive just punishment. By Ashe Schow
Misinterpreting College Sex Assault Stats, & Accusers (mostly female) who are charged for intentionally filing a false rape report
CURRENT News, DUE Process Rights, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
Bottom line: Due process isn’t just good for the falsely accused, it’s effective at ensuring the truly guilty receive just punishment. By Ashe Schow
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…a person’s feelings dictate whether someone else is a sexual offender — not intent, not proof.. Normal human interaction is now harassment if the “receiver” doesn’t like you enough. By Ashe Schow
CURRENT News, FALSE Accusers & Stats, MUST Reads /
Brandeis University president writes an e-mail to the entire student body apologizing to anyone who was “triggered or hurt by the content of the microaggressions.”…In California…a list of offensive statements… “America is the land of opportunity” and “I believe the most qualified person should get the job.” By Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt
CURRENT News, DoED, TitleIX, OCR, DUE Process Rights, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
…the state wants to allow community colleges to expel students for sexual misconduct even if the accuser isn’t a student and the alleged incident occurred off-campus. By Ashe Schow
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The University of Arkansas is dealing with its second false report of a student being attacked in a campus parking garage in the past year…Junior Lindsey Sweetin pleaded not guilty to charges of filing a false police report By Greg Piper
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The notorious North Carolina stripper who falsely accused a group of Duke lacrosse players of raping her is headed to prison after being convicted in the 2011 stabbing death of her boyfriend.
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Clark University’s Female-centric environment’was ‘at its peak’ when Doe was tried…The “most important fact of our case is that there was no alcohol involved in this case,” Doe lawyer Terri Leary. The case also sticks out because the students were “developing a relationship, so this wasn’t a random hookup.” By Madison Iszler
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The sexual grievance is now insisting that when a women later regrets having sex, regardless of her outward manifestations of assent at the time of the act, it is a form of sexual assault.
CURRENT News, DUE Process Rights, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
The implications of yes-means-yes policies are clear: Accused students are the ones responsible for proving consent was obtained, and they are afforded few resources to do so. By Ashe Schow
CURRENT News, DoED, TitleIX, OCR, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
For reasons that baffled us all, OCR released a list of colleges and universities under investigation for alleged Title IX complaints, despite the fact that these institutions had not yet been found to be in violation of anything…And now our work is the subject of bloggers and activists who are so driven by agendas that they cannot consider an alternative By Lee Burdette Williams