New position will advocate for the accused
Students accused of sexual assault now have a designated person to go to if they want advice and advocacy while under investigation. By Noelle Fujii,
CURRENT News, DUE Process Rights, GOOD News, Case Dismissed /
Students accused of sexual assault now have a designated person to go to if they want advice and advocacy while under investigation. By Noelle Fujii,
CURRENT News, DoED, TitleIX, OCR /
The Obama administration’s final budget makes clear that neither due process for students accused of wrongdoing, nor fidelity to the rulemaking process, is a priority…Keep in mind this budget was released after congressional leaders started demandinganswers from Ed about what authority it has to issue substantive regulations without letting colleges first weigh in on them. By Greg Piper
CURRENT News, DUE Process Rights, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
One of the triumphs of the English common law system, heavily reflected in the U.S,. Constitution, is the protections it grants to people who are accused of wrongdoing…A group of six rape accusers at the University of Tennessee is trying to force the school to ditch the foundations of American justice, suing the school for – gasp – providing basic fairness to accused students. By Greg Piper
CURRENT News, FALSE Accusers & Stats, MALES Don't Apply Here /
University of California has polices that turn sex between two college students into a legal event that really should be monitored by two lawyers. “The only way to prove one followed such a policy is to videotape the encounter, but now, California colleges are making such recordings a violation of school policy,” By Dan Gilmore
CURRENT News, DoED, TitleIX, OCR, DUE Process Rights /
There’s another sexual assault accusation, this time against someone who trains college administrators on how to handle sexual assault accusations. Jason Casares, the deputy Title IX director at Indiana University and current president-elect of the Association for Student Conduct Administration, was accused of sexual assault by fellow ASCA board member Jill Creighton. Creighton was elected president of the group for the 2016-2017 term… an independent investigation performed for the ASCA cleared him of wrongdoing. I wonder if this experience will give Casares an expanded view of what sexual assault accusations are like. Perhaps he will have renewed appreciation for the possibility of wrongful accusations. By Ashe Schow
CURRENT News, DUE Process Rights, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
“Respect innocence and respect our own rights when we are emotionally compromised”…Evidence shows that 13 teenage girls conspired and plotted with false rape accusations against one teenage boy. Sadly, the Judge keeps Tyler in jail.
CURRENT News, FALSE Accusers & Stats, GOOD News, Case Dismissed, MUST Reads /
“An agenda driven propaganda film created by activists with a reckless disregard for the truth.”
BLOG, Personal Stories, CURRENT News, MUST Reads /
“At first I thought they didn’t want me to participate in campus activities. Then I thought they didn’t want me to graduate,” he said. “Now they don’t want me to have a job or be part of society. Do they want me to commit suicide? Is that what they want me to do? What is the endgame?” By Ashe Schow
CURRENT News, DUE Process Rights, TITLE IX Lawsuits /
“The university has a vested interest in expelling as many male students for sexual assault as it can in order to maintain its appearance as a leader in this area.” They claim the university’s Title IX investigators showed bias against male students by recommending their expulsion without giving them the proper due process. The Title IX investigators involved in the two cases are named in the lawsuits along with UT President Greg Fenves. By Chris Sadeghi
CURRENT News, DoED, TitleIX, OCR, DUE Process Rights, GOOD News, Case Dismissed /
Georgia State Rep. Earl Ehrhart is leading the charge to keep the state’s colleges and universities from depriving students of their due-process rights…These include an actively participating counsel, rights to cross-examination, transparent evidence and no double jeopardy, (Many schools allow accusers to appeal verdicts in favor of the accused.) By Matt Lamb