TITLE IX Is Broken: USC Kicker Booted For Nothing
I have written for several years on my belief that Title IX investigations on campus are fundamentally broken. But even I’m stunned to see some of the stories – like the one involving USC kicker Matt Boermeester. Here you have a boyfriend and girlfriend in a one year relationship who are allegedly playing around outside their apartment. An unnamed witness sees this -we know nothing about this witness – tells a USC athletic department official and then a Title IX investigation ensues and shortly thereafter Matt is kicked out of school. All because one anonymous witness saw the duo playing around outside their apartment. And if you think Matt Boermeester at USC is the only innocent victim, you’re wrong. There are thousands of other students just like him all over this country. It’s way past time for reasonable people to acknowledge campus Title IX investigations are broken and return some sanity to the system.
outkickthecoverage.com by Clay Travis Girlfriend says Matt Removed Unfairly