HERE’S HOW Title IX Traps an Accused College Male From Day One.

I spend a lot of time hearing from mothers and fathers who are in deep distress. Why? Because these parents received a call from their suicidal son who is being railroaded by their college’s TitleIX disciplinary process. Railroaded for what? For having a consensual kiss, hug, or sexual experience. Sometimes the freshman male is living in a coed dorm and just looks ‘tall and creepy’ and gets TitleIX accused for his appearance. Usually the college tells their son not to worry and to come into the TitleIX department to answer some questions. Unfortunately, these young college males are TOO trusting of their college, and they innocently walk into a sticky TitleIX trap. Once inside the trappings of the office, the Title IX staff asks leading questions of the male never telling him that a sexual assault complaint was filed. So the unknowing male is being interrogated and doesn’t know it. A friendly conversation ensues, and the male innocently answers questions, sealing his fate that will lead to suspension/expulsion. It’s about this time, when the innocent male has been forced out of college, without a conviction, that he calls his parents.  By this time the young 18 year old male has been reduced to a suffocating ruble of tears, confused and scared as to what his beloved college just unleashed upon him. And because the TitleIX process reflects the style of a Chinese Mao shaming of ‘guilt before innocent’…such a lawless unconstitutional process is difficult for hundreds of college accused males to comprehend. (Thus their suicidal tendencies)  And now we come to the accuser’s icing on the cake, the irrational believe the accuser hypnotic mantra. Unfortunately, believe the accuser has led to anti-science trauma informed investigations.  And to understand just how devastating and destructive a Title IX “trauma-informed” approach is for the accused,  Scott Greenfield wrote a very good article about this. The short version is that “believe the victim” reverses the presumption of innocence and rationalizes away due process for the accused.

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