WORST COLLEGES for Accused Males. Here’s FIRE’s Spotlight on Due Process

These colleges are among the worst offenders when it comes to due process: Boston College, Caltech, Case Western, Dartmouth, NYU, Penn State, UW-Madison. If you care about your son pay his tuition elsewhere. You have no idea the amount of harm that is perpetrated upon your son, until he is falsely accused, and your son is denied due process rights.

FIRE’s recent groundbreaking Spotlight on Due Process report found that the overwhelming majority of our nation’s top universities fail to provide students even the most basic elements of due process. FIRE bought advertisements in eight campus newspapers detailing how policies there fail to provide due process to students accused of both general misconduct and sexual misconduct.  A staggering 74 percent don’t even expressly presume students innocent until proven guilty.

thefire.org By Morey & Eastman

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