Monthly Archives: July 2015

CURRENT News, FALSE Accusers & Stats, MUST Reads /
My college sex education: hooking up and ignorant about real relationships and their consequences
Call it the Walmartification of sex: It’s cheap, quick, easy and not built to last. By Suzy Lee Weiss

CURRENT News, DoED, TitleIX, OCR, DUE Process Rights, MALES Don't Apply Here /
Virginia. New campus sexual assault laws go into effect in Virginia
Two of the laws deal with reporting requirements for colleges and police departments. The other law, regarding transcript notations, has created some confusion. By Ashe Schow

CURRENT News, DoED, TitleIX, OCR, DUE Process Rights, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
Brandeis says it can discriminate against accused rapists all it wants
Brandeis claimed it couldn’t be punished under a controversial 2011 letter issued by the Department of Education…which never went through the agency rulemaking process. By Matt Lamb

CURRENT News, DUE Process Rights, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
Sexual Assault Hysteria Comic
“False accusations can happen to anyone…Men use these tips to help keep you safe” By Rebecca Cohen

CURRENT News, FALSE Accusers & Stats /
Regulating Sex
…the more casual sex becomes, the more we demand that our institutions and government police the line between what’s consensual and what isn’t… to make sex a crime under conditions of poor communication. By Judith Shulevitz