SUICIDAL Tendencies Of Falsely Accused College Males

Parents of innocent accused sons are often crying inside for years as they try to help their young sons heal after they are treated cruelly and unjustly by Title IX. Title IX hearings are not about seeking truth when a sex accusation is made. Title IX is about cruelty towards the minority gender on campuses. Males.
New lawsuits appear weekly from accused males who have been bullied, abused and denied due process by Title IX. And thanks to Obama’s 2011 DCL, Title IX is very successful in expelling/suspending/denying an education to hundreds of males. Once accused, males are isolated from their friends, and told they cannot speak to anyone at the school about the accusation. As a result, these young 17-24 year old males are emotional wrecks for years, lending to suicidal thoughts, hospitalization or both.
I hear from these males and their parents, and below is a sampling of their suffering. Because this information is so personal, I’ve simplified the stories by removing details to protect identities.


My son suffers from panic attacks regularly.

My son has PTSD.

My son confessed to me that suicide crossed his mind more than once.

My son was suicidal but fortunately not successful thanks to friends.

My friend’s son was hospitalized for suicidal thoughts and he is still in therapy.

My son is too distressed to talk to me.

My son’s spirit was damaged. I worried he might go down a black hole of depression. He barely ate or slept for months.

My son was deeply depressed for a long time and he still can’t discuss his experience with us.

My son committed suicide.  Later on his accuser wanted to meet with me.  She told me she was sorry for accusing my son. She was trying make another guy jealous.

The whole thing is a profoundly isolating experience.

I felt I was in a black hole.

Two years ago a my son committed suicide. His accuser later recanted.

My son was put on suicide watch at Occidental College. His friends were scared that he might hurt himself when he was removed from his dorm room and put in isolation.  His friends called the suicide watch line, and for 24 hours my son had guards outside his room.

It’s been three years since my son was falsely accused, but he recently told me how dark his days had been, and how dark they still are at times. He also told me he considered killing himself during those dark days three years ago, and my husband and I never knew.

During my son’s Title IX hearing we told the college we were very afraid that our son would take his own life.

A lawyer told me that he takes phone calls 24/7 from college males who are suicidal as a result of being falsely accused.


The emotional toll of a false accusation on families and their son is immense. The psychological trauma is unbearable for these young college males, and thankfully many do not commit suicide, but the wounds are deep and permanent. The scars that these innocent men carry are intensely private and we must help them heal by offering a hand up, by preserving the presumption of innocence, and by demanding due process. If we do not, America is to blame.

False Accusations and the Denial Of Mens Emotional Pain

-Alice True



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